вторник, 1 април 2008 г.

Can Stress Be A Cause of Sudden Hair Loss Problems

Can Stress Be A Cause of Sudden Hair Loss Problems

Most people recognize that stress can affect their overall health but they fail to recognize that stress can also affect the health of their hair, and even cause hair loss.

Hair loss occurring due to severe stress is called Telogen effluvium. During severe stress, a person's hair sheds pushing the hair follicles to prematurely undergo resting phase. The resting phase is one of the three phases that makes up the hair cycle. The other two phases are the anagen (growth phase) and catagen (shedding phase). The resting phase immediately precedes the shedding phase and lasts for a couple of weeks. Every hair on your head will go through this normal cycle. However, under normal conditions, only about 10% of the hairs on your head will be in the resting or shedding phase. This means that normal shedding is about 100 hair per day. Telogen effluvium can cause losses of 300 to 400 hairs per day. It may manifest its symptoms within 2 or 3 months after experiencing heavy stress. You should not panic if you experience hair loss due to stress since in most cases the hair loss is only temporary. Still there are cases that this problem persists unless stress is relieved.

There are ways of treating sudden hair loss like medicines and hair products but probably the best way to deal with it is to go the natural way. This article provides some tips on alleviating stress using natural methods.

Do some relaxation and get enough rest.

Getting enough shut-eye will not only help you feel relaxed but will be good for your physical health too. Sleeping for at least 6 to 8 hours will help ease stress. In sleeping, your body gets the rest it needs to regenerate its energy.

Relaxing doesn't need special techniques because all you need is a place where you can be peaceful. It can be anywhere like your bedroom. The only thing you have to do is sit up properly, take slow deep breaths and concentrate on positive thoughts. If you are in the office, you can do this during short breaks. You can do this technique for at least 5 to 20 minutes. Surely you will notice that you become more relaxed and feel better once you start doing this simple relaxation technique.


Exercising regularly reduces the adrenaline levels in the body. Adrenaline is a hormone secreted by the adrenal glands in response to stressful situations. This hormone is also called the fight-or-flight response and its actually good for the body but when secreted in excess amounts, it causes more stress and hair loss. Another positive effect of doing physical exercise is helping your mind and body become more relaxed.

Consume nutritious and adequate food.

Having a proper diet will ensure that your body gets all the nutrients it needs to be able to function well. This will also help your hair become healthier reducing the occurrence of hair loss. You should consume foods rich in proteins, essential vitamins and minerals. Examples of foods rich in proteins are dairy products, meat, poultry, fish and beans. Foods that have sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals are green-leafy vegetables and fruits.

Although stress can cause many physical and emotional problems, it can also sometimes have positive effects. For example, it may make a person become more focused towards his decisions in life, work, etc. Some people even perform better when they are stressed. Stress can be good up to a certain level, but too much stress can lead to illnesses such as depression, physical problems and sudden hair loss. Following the tips in this article will not only help you relieve stress and solve your hair loss problems but it will also help maintain a healthy body.

Source articlesbase.com

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